Role-Based Access Controls
Role-based Access Controls (RBAC) refers to the concept of assigning permissions and data visibility rights to groups of users based on their unique responsibilities within an organization. The user-role and role-permissions relationships make it easy to perform user assignments since users no longer need to be managed individually, but instead have privileges that conform to the permissions assigned to their role(s). Permissions and data access are assigned to Roles, based on the responsibilities of that Role and the data that needs to be accessed. In Aware, Data Access Sets control the data to which the permissions in the Role are applied.
Learn more about how to create your Data Access Sets and Roles.
Signal with RBAC
Prior to RBAC, Signal permissions were based on a user’s relationship with select permissions and whether they had been added to a policy or not. Today, a user’s access to a policy will depend on their relationship with a Role and that Role’s relationship with a Data Access Set.
Search & Discover with RBAC
Prior to RBAC, Search permissions were based on a user’s relationship with select permissions in system settings. With RBAC, a user’s access to a search will depend on their relationship with a Role and that Role’s relationship with a Data Access Set. Search results will be visible based on its association with a Data Access Set.
Search & Discover Export Size Update
Search & Discover export sizes has been increased to 12GB! This has been enabled for all users and will be the default experience moving forward. Customers should expect an improvement in overall size and downloadable size when exporting search results. We will continue to enhance this feature to meet our customer needs for exporting files in Search & Discover.