August 2021

Search & Discover

We have a host of new features that will improve the efficiency and options to users completing a search in Aware. *Please note: these new features are being rolled out to customers in a phased approach. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions.

  • Wild Card Search: A wildcard search can find different word endings from a root keyword. Add an asterisk(*) to the end of a keyword to return all variable endings that include the original keyword.
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  • Search DM's between multiple participants: The new DM conversations Search type will allow you to find conversations between specified users or any conversations that include the specified users.  

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  • Keywords AND Statements: When a search requires you to find messages that contain multiple keywords, but not necessarily within a certain proximity, the new keyword AND statement will allow you to search only for messages containing both keywords. 

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  • Search By Sources: Search by sources will allow you more control of the types of messages you surface when performing a search. With Search by Sources, you can choose to search any combination of:
    • Direct Messages
    • General Channel
    • Public Channels
    • Private Channels

  • Search By Content-Type: Search by content type allows you to narrow down your keyword search to only specific content types. You can choose Messages only OR Messages AND Files.

Click here to learn more on how to execute a search using these new features