Before implementing any Signal Rules or running a Spotlight Topic Report, it is important to identify what you are looking to do with the data. Try asking these questions:
Is Pride Month something my employees are talking about? If you go down this route, make sure there is an end goal like - I am trying to discover if our employees have interest in Pride Month. If they do, then our company would like to start publicly supporting the LGBTQ community.
We have activities planned for Pride Month. What are our employees saying about these events? This is common, companies want to measure the success of their initiatives. However, do you want to measure positive reaction, negative comments or both? If you chose both, why and what are you going to do with that information?
I am worried about the safety of our LGBTQ employees and/or openly supportive employees. Can I identify scenarios of potential harassment? Yes, if this is a concern of yours, then we will suggest that you identify these potential scenarios year round and not just during Pride Month.
Identify General Mentions of Pride Month
Rule Name: Pride Month Mentions
Triggers: Keywords > Create Keyword Template (add keywords/phrases/hashtags here that are relevant to Pride Month and how it is being communicated at your company. For example: pride month, pride week, #pridemonth, #prideweek, LGBT rights, LGBTQ rights, human rights)
Triggers: Keywords (LGBTQ Terms)
Actions: Optional
Identify Potential Harassment
Rule Name: LGBTQ Potential Harassment
Triggers: Keywords (LGBTQ Terms, LGBTQ Slurs)
Triggers: Sentiment (Negative, Very Negative)
Actions: Optional
There are many different areas within Spotlight where a user can identify the conversation shifting or insights into how employees are talking about something. However, there are just a few areas where you can start to pinpoint specific groups or topics to get valuable data.
Spotlight Groups
Is the Pride Month conversation focused in a group or few groups? If so, go to Spotlight > Groups and search for the name. Once found, be sure to pin the group and then click into it. Here you can review group metrics, trending themes, sentiment and health, etc...
Hint: Keep an eye on the trending themes. Look how the keywords change from 7, 28 and 90 days. Has the conversation shifted?
Spotlight Topics
A topic report will provide an easily digestible view into the conversation and sentiment/health during Pride Month. A few things to consider:
- Define the keywords that you are going to use prior to your first report (Hint: you can do a few test reports if you want to see what brings back results). Use these same keywords in every subsequent search. This will give you consistent results to compare and contrast each time you pull a new report during the month.
- Define a cadence and date strategy for pulling the report. For example, if you rerun the report weekly, will you always start with the same date of June 1st or start with the day after your previous report?
This use case is repeatable with any topic that is of interest.