January 2021


  • Export Single Event Detail to PDF
    • Share single Monitoring Events with departments or individuals without Aware access easily using the Export to PDF button. This export option will present the event context, policy name, rule name, involved users, and trigger information in a visual and easy to read format. 

      Event Export PDF

Search & Discover

  • Sub-Thread ID displayed in Search & Discover Exports - Slack & Microsoft Teams
    • When exporting search results to CSV, Slack, and Teams customers will now see the Sub-Thread ID column in CSV exports to better understand which messages were a direct reply to a specific parent message. 

  • Sub-Group Column in Search & Discover Exports - Microsoft Teams. 
    • Search & Discover  exports will now have a column for Sub-Groups to help differentiate content in a sub-group (Channel) versus content in the parent group (Team.)

  • Export Context by PDF
    • Search & Discover users can now easily share single results and context via PDF by using the Export to PDF button in the context panel. This export option will provide data in a visual format to share with departments that require contextual data from Aware. 



  • Export Groups to CSV
    • Easily export group data from the Spotlight - Groups view in Aware to better understand group activity. These CSV exports will show the group name, creation date, source, number of messages, sentiment, conversation health, and trends. 
