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JSON Exports Downloads and Uploads

How to download Slack JSON Files

To do this, you need Workspace Admin access in Slack.

1. First, go to your Slack workspace settings:

  • Not sure how to get there? Remember our url from before here?

    Simply append “/admin/settings” to the url. That is where your workspace settings will be.

2. Next, go to “Settings & Permissions”(You should already be on this page)

3. Then click “Import/Export Data”:


4. Click the “Export” tab:

5. Now you get to make an export. Simply pick the date range of your export, and click “Start Export” Please Note: The bigger the export, the longer it will take for Aware to process. a good rule of thumb is it takes Aware around an hour to process 50k pieces of content.
6. Once your export is done, you should be able to download it as a zip file.

7. Download that and remember where it is!

How to Import your Slack JSON file into Aware

Finally, you can import your file! It’s rather easy:

  1. Go to Aware, and navigate to the Data Upload application on the lefthand Navigation Bar

  2. Select the Slack JSON Import Tab

  3. Click the Upload Zip button on the platform you created:

    upload zip
  4. Upload your Zip. YOU ARE NOT DONE AT THIS POINT.

  5. Let your Zip file be validated for errors. There will be a loading bar.

  6. After your zip has validated, you should see a screen like this:

  7. Click the Create Slack Data button.

  8. Aware has now started ingesting your data.

Please Note:

  • This is a process that can take hours depending on your file size. Remember, a good rule of thumb is 50k messages an hour

  • Do not create multiple platforms when uploading data. The idea is you should upload zip files to the same platform, so over time your content will all be in the same platform.

  • While your Import looks like this with the loading bar on the right, your slack import is still going: 

  • When it’s done importing, it will look like this:
