March 2024

Search & Discover

Information Quality

Information Quality has made its formal debut as a filter for search results in Search and Discover! Aware users can save time and improve efficiency when reviewing results using a new dropdown that allows messages to be filtered for quality - low, medium, or high. More on the Info Quality model and what it is evaluating here.

This filter option is available when searches are run with the Information Quality AI Analysis option selected. The full list of AI filter options in Search and Discover includes Sentiment, Toxic Speech, Code Detection, Language and Information Quality. 


This is helpful for customers who are trying to find the needle in the hay stack and filter out the noise in their results.


Context API

We have a new set of extension API endpoints that allow for automation of user based search and export in Search and Discover.

Customers can now submit requests for user searches and collect those results in JSON format once the search has completed - all without entering the Aware UI. This allows Aware to flex into a variety of organizational workflows and creates efficiency for our end users.

These endpoints are available to customers who have purchased Search & Discover. They can be used to orchestrate movement of customer collaboration data into other systems where needed - at this time we support:

  • User based searches (single content author per search/export)
  • JSON formatted results

In the future we will be adding additional functionality (other search types like keyword and file formats) 

Please reach out to or your CSM for more information on how to set these up.


Delete old Search Requests

Users can now delete old searches in Search and Discover.


Historically we didn’t allow for this because we needed to track historical activity but now that we have Audit Logs, we can allow folks to maintain their Search Requests in a more flexible way. Users can choose to delete one or multiple searches at a time, as all associated activities are tracked in Audit Logs.
