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Okta SAML 2.0

Customer will need to provide the following information to Aware in order to complete the SSO integration for Aware. 

  • Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
  • X.509 Certificate

Please first follow the instruction below to complete the steps required for adding Aware to customer's Okta environment. 

Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL and X.509 Certificate information will be generated at the end of this instruction.


1. Login into your Okta Admin Dashboard

2. Go to Application > Create new App


3. In the Create a New Application Integration

  • Platform: Web
  • Sign on method: SAML 2.0


4. You will now enter General Settings information for Aware app, provide the following:

  • App name: Aware
  • App logo (optional):
  • App visibility (optional):


5. Now enter SAML Settings information for Aware app, provide the following:

  • Single sign on URL: https://wiretap-prod.auth0.com/login/callback?connection=YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME
  • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): urn:auth0:wiretap-prod:YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME

Note: YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME value is usually your company email domain without .com. For example, for company domain is awarehq.com the value will be awarehq (ex. https://wiretap-prod.auth0.com/login/callback?connection=awarehq AND urn:auth0:wiretap-prod:awarehq). Please check with your Customer Success Manager if you are unsure about what value you should use here.


6. You will also need to add the following Attribute Statement:

  • Name: email
  • Name Format: Unspecified
  • Value: ${user.email}


  • Name: firstName
  • Name Format: Basic
  • Value: ${user.firstName}


  • Name: lastName
  • Name Format: Basic
  • Value: ${user.lastName}


  • Name: fullName
  • Name Format: Basic
  • Value: String.join(" ", user.firstName, user.lastName)


7. You can validate provided settings are correct by click Preview the SAML Assertion to generate the output.

Hint: Answer Are you a customer or partner? by selecting I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app. Click Finish.


8. Okta will show Sign On page for the newly created Aware app . Click View Setup Instructions to complete the configuration.


9. Copy Identify Provider Single Sign-On URL value, and download a copy of the X.509 certificate

10. Provide this information to your Aware Customer Success Manager in order to complete the SSO integration for Aware.
