Retention Questions

Do you have additional questions around Rentention?

What time does Aware Retention start the daily purge? Retention will run everyday at 5:00am UTC

How long can the first retention purge take? The initial retention purge can take up to 5 days to complete depending on the amount of data needing to be processed. 

How long will each retention purge take after the initial purge has completed? Each regular retention purge can take up to 24 hours depending on the amount of data needing to be processed.

What content cannot be purged via Aware Retention? This applies to Meta customers only. Aware Retention will not purge Meta Timeline content, Meta generated messages and the Multi-Company Group Chat for the company that does not have Aware integrated. 

  • Multi-Company Group Chat: Meta creates multiple copies of a Group Chat. One for each participant involved. Aware Retention will purge all copies of all Meta Chat, Meta Group Chat and your copies of Multi-Company Group Chat. But will not purge the copies of Multi-Company Group Chat from the other company.
  • Group Cover Photos: In Meta when a user uploads a cover image, a post in that group is created as well. When that post is deleted via a Meta admin, the original author OR Aware Retention, the cover photo is deleted as well. This is functionality that is tied with how Meta functions and was built. 

What is the experience in each Aware Application once content is deleted via Aware Retention? Active Retention Policies deletes only content (message, file, etc) data that resided in your Aware Intelligent Data Fabric and/or connected content platform. The metadata associated with features like Signal Events or Analytics will remain for consumption and historical reporting.


  • Dashboard: Not impacted by retention
  • Platforms: Not impacted by retention
  • Groups: Not impacted by retention except in the case of a Group Detail Page > Public Sentiment Anomaly “Message Viewer” where content/context would be gone if it was past a retention period

Spotlight Topic Reports

  • Users will not be able to run any searches and return reports on the data that has gone past the retention period
  • Users will not be able to view content/context of data in the Public Sentiment Anomaly “Message Viewer” if the content is past a retention period from previous ran searches, however the topic report and the data would still remain


  • Policies: Not impacted by retention
  • Rules: Not impacted by retention
  • Policy > Overview Tab: Not impacted by retention
  • Policy > Event List Tab: Not impacted by retention (Note: We are working on removing any Event content “snippets” that are past a retention period)
  • Policy > Rules Tab: Not impacted by retention
  • Policy > Event Detail: The event detail “metadata” will remain, however users will not be able to view content/context of Event data that is past a retention period

Note: if users selected “Preserve event content from removal in the Aware platform” while setting up the Rule Scope, they will be able to access the “triggered message” and “contextual messages” as expected in the Event Detail.

Search and Discover
Users will not be able to run any searches to find content on the data that has gone past the retention period

Users will not be able to view or export content/context of data that is past a retention period from previous ran searches

Data Hold

If a Data Hold is placed on a selected user, Aware will retain the content and context and override any Retention Policy until the Data Hold is “released”

User Data Removal

If an Aware Only policy has been activated and then the customer wants to do a UDR on both platforms, Aware will only be able to remove content from the collaboration platform that is in the intelligent data fabric - easiest way to think about this is Aware can’t delete collaboration platform data if Aware doesn’t know about it.

Workplace By Meta Questions:

Does Aware only act on Create Date, or does it take into consideration Edit Dates? 

Aware Deletes posts from Platform UI based on Create Date only, edits do not impact Platform Retention.

That being said, if a post is edited, the edited version will remain discoverable within Aware Archive until its edit date meets a retention criteria. Original posts will be deleted from Aware Archive based on Create Date.  (i.e. after a retention period hits create date, you will not be able to “see original message” only edited version)

Does Aware take comments into consideration? i.e. if someone comments on a post a day before it's due to delete.
Comments do not impact post level retention - Once a post is deleted via retention, all respective comments regardless of comment create date will be deleted as well. We do not orphan comments.

Comments will still be discoverable based on their create/edit date within the Aware Archive.

Workplace by Meta Retention Visual