Search & Discover Features

See below for an overview of the newest features available in Search & Discover. The release of the new capability it phased. Once all customers receive the latest version, all Search & Discover articles will update.

There is a host of new features that will improve the efficiency and options to users completing a search in Aware. The core of Search & Discover is not changing, those articles can be reviewed here.

Search by Sources

Search by sources will allow you more control of the types of messages you surface when performing a search. With Search by Sources, you can choose to search any combination of:

  • Direct Messages
  • General Channel
  • Public Channels
  • Private Channels

When configuring your search, you will find this option under Content Platforms.


Search by Content-Type

When searching for keywords, sometimes you only need to search messages, and files, or only messages. To narrow down your keyword search to only specific content types you can use the Choose Content Types section. 

Note: If you choose to include files when searching for keywords it's important to keep in mind that this will NOT include the file name, only the content of the text-based document. 


Search DMs Between Multiple Participants

Sometimes a search requires you to only find conversations between specific users. The new DM conversations Search type will allow you to find conversations between specified users or any conversations that include the specified users.  

Search Between Participants

Conversations that contain only the entered participants to produce a result. 

Example: A search for John and Priya will produce a result for all conversations between only John and Priya. 

  1. Create a new Search and add an appropriate description
  2. Select DM Conversations for the Search Type
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  3. Select the appropriate content platforms (if necessary)
  4. Under Search Criteria ensure that Between these Participants is selected. Add the email addresses of users you wish to search for. 
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  5. Add keywords and time frame if desired and run your search.

Search Conversations that Include Participants

Conversations, where the entered users are present, will produce a result. 

Example: A search for John and Priya will produce results for conversations that include John, Priya, and additional users. 

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above.
  2. Under Search Criteria ensure that Includes Participants is selected. Add the email addresses of users you wish to search for.Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 11.27.42 AM
  3. Add keywords and time frame if desired and run your search.

Keyword AND Statements

When a search requires you to find messages that contain multiple keywords, but not necessarily within a certain proximity, the new keyword AND statement will allow you to search only for messages containing both keywords. 

Example: We need to find a message that contains both the words bike and car

Sample: Let's meet up for lunch, did you want to ride your bike? Or we can take the car?

To activate this feature, you will use the All Keywords (AND) Search Criteria. 


Wildcard Search

A wildcard search can find different word endings from a root keyword. Add an asterisk(*) to the end of a keyword to return all variable endings that include the original keyword. This can be helpful in discovering content that may be related to your keyword search terms, without having to enter every keyword variable when creating your search.

Wildcard example
The keyword car* will return results for car, as well as cars, cards, carbon, and carbohydrate, but will not return sidecar.
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Hint: There is a limit of 20 keywords when performing a search. Using a Wildcard Search can confine the number of terms you need to put in.