September 2022

People Sets

Search By People Set

Within Search and Discover, Aware users can now create searches leveraging People Sets as a Search Type. As of this release, People Set sources are limited to the Azure Active Directory (AAD) Groups that are configured within the customers respective AAD instance. Authors must belong to the respective People Set at the time the message was authored. See demonstration below:

At this time, an AAD integration is required to leverage the People Set capability. Future state, customers will be able to define a People Set using additional definitions beyond AAD Group, e.g. a .CSV upload, and additional 3rd party identity management tools beyond AAD.

Data Holds by People Set

Aware users can now create a Data Hold for a group of users who belong to an existing People Set. Custodians must belong to the respective People Set at the time the Hold is created. See demonstration below:

At this time, an AAD integration is required to leverage the People Set capability. Future state, customers will be able to define a People Set using additional definitions beyond AAD Group, e.g. a .CSV upload, and additional 3rd party identity management tools beyond AAD.


New Progress Circle

Aware Spotlight and Search & Discover users will now see a progress circle associated to an executed search within the Recent Searches tab, or on a Spotlight Topic Report. This circle will indicate the progress completed and how many messages or items have processed out of the total results. This gives users more insight in to the progress of their searches and reports. 

Hint: To view progress details, simply hover over the progress circle to see the percentage of completion and amount of content processed.