Trending Themes surfaces popular themes within your platform that may have otherwise gone undetected.
When asked by your leaders and/or colleagues, what Spotlight metrics mean to them, you can answer by leveraging what topics people are mainly discussing with trending top keywords.
Trending Themes: A list of ten Top Trending Themes from Public Groups will now display in multiple locations throughout Spotlight.
- Dashboard: Located below the tiles, view the Top Trending Themes for the previous day. Daily Trending Themes are broken out by highest mention count with colors designating Sentiment Indicator Measurement (Green: Above Standard, Grey: Standard and Red: Below Standard).
Scroll to the bottom of Engagement Insights, and view the Trending Themes for the last 7, 28 and 90 days. (note: Monday's view might have little or no content if your platform is less active over the weekends)

- Side Car: The Top Trending Themes will display when a user selects any element on the Spotlight Dashboard that opens the side car and provides additional information related to that day.
- Public Groups: Located within Groups > any Public Group. View the Trending Themes for the last 7, 28 and 90 days in the selected Public Group.
- Private Groups: System Admins have the option to turn on Private Group Themes in the Spotlight Dashboard for both Daily roll up and the Engagement Insights 7/28/90 roll up.
- Navigate to System Settings > Modules > Spotlight to enable this feature
The Trending Themes List is primarily composed of verbs, nouns, and proper nouns, such as cities, states, and countries.
The model has been tailored to exclude filler words, such as pronouns and prepositions, or common words that don’t provide much meaning. (Words like dates, email, haha, meeting, person, thanks, time, today, work, yesterday, etc).
The model doesn’t support obscure words or phrases that may be meaningful to one organization, but uncommon to another, such as unique names of products or campaigns.
Sub Themes
You can view Sub Themes on your Daily Dashboard and on Custom Reports. Sub Themes in Spotlight gives users more context on how employees are feeling and discussing specific topics, this capability unlocks the ability to understand what is top of mind for employees at a deeper level. By providing how people are talking about topics paired with the sentiment, Spotlight users are able to differentiate what needs actioned from what is just noise in the organization.
For example, If experience gets returned as a trending theme, the hover state will now give more insight as to what people are saying around experience. - e.g. Good management experience, poor customer experience, and challenging experience. These sub themes will be paired with sentiment so our users have a better understanding of how these topics are being communicated.
Themes from Weighted Model (Beta)
The Weighted Themes model (Beta) identifies trending themes from a set of messages from public groups that are recognized as potentially more meaningful than those surfaced simply by frequency or count of mentions.
How are weighted themes determined? First, the model determines the frequency of a keyword used within a message to gauge importance. Next, the model calculates a score from the keyword's frequency compared to Aware’s entire data set of messages. For example:
In the above example, it would determine the usage of the word 'payroll' amongst millions of messages in Aware. The weighted model of the keyword is determined by multiplying both dimensions to get a final score or 'weight'.
Weighted Themes are displayed in a bubble graph you see below - The greater the weight, the larger the circle
- Actions: You can click on each theme, causing cause a window to load with more granular insight (see below). Here you will find how many times the theme has been mentioned, Sentiment, Health, and Weight. Additionally, from this view you can create a separate topic report targeting this theme.
Spanish Trending Themes
All messages authored in Spanish are included in the Trending Themes model to give a more inclusive view into what is top of mind for employees!
**Note: These keywords will be translated to English to be included in one user interface. By translating themes to English, this multilingual model works as a summarization of both languages in themes, instead of a segmentation.
Percentile Enhancement: The model will now exclude the 100th percentile words from displaying within Trending Themes as they are so frequently occurring that they are typically not as insightful or surprising as we would expect them to be. These themes tend to be very common (e.g: birthday, congratulations, etc).
Organizational Network Analysis of Trending Themes
To further investigate Trending Themes you can click on the Network Analysis tab to determine the relationship between keywords and the number of content authors within public conversations. The thicker the link between the Themes means the more content authors that have used the two words. From here you can run a topic report that will include both keywords.