If you believe that have found a security vulnerability on the Aware Platform, please let us know right away. We take data security very seriously and will investigate as soon as it is reported.
Some rules if you believe you found a security vulnerability:
- Do not attempt to gain access to another user's data.
- Do not disrupt the availability of the Aware Platform.
- Do not utilize scanners or automated tools while testing.
- Do not publicly disclose a bug before it is fixed.
- Do not employ social engineering attacks.
- Work with security@awarehq.com to answer any questions.
We will do our best to work with you regarding security vulnerabilities and timelines. We will follow these principles:
- We will respond quickly
- We will keep you updated
- We will not take legal action if you play by the rules.
You can submit a ticket and our security team will respond as soon as possible. To find out more about Aware's security, please visit our website (https://awarehq.com/security). For other security questions or issues, please email security@awarehq.com.