Execute a Search

Search and Discover will provide the requester with a comprehensive view or export of an individual's integrated platforms content. This includes all data, public and private, even if it was edited or deleted.

The Aware Search and Discover application can be used to accomplish a few different use cases. The most popular scenario is to search for content related to a corporate litigation need.

Another common use case is the need for additional conversation context when investigating an incident that came through on our Signal application. The Search and Discover application makes it easy to look into certain conversations and will provide an in depth look into a potential situation.

Are you ready to execute a search to discover content? If so, please follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Search and Discover Application

2. Select the Create a new search button in the top right hand corner. 

3. In order to execute a search you must select a Data Access Set 

Check out Creating a Data Access Set if you need to setup a new Data Access Set. 

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4. Complete the Basic Information for your search 

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  • Search by User: Search by an individual or individuals by email and include Keywords (optional)
  • Search by Platform Group: Search a specific group (team or channel) within your connected content platforms and include Keywords (optional)
  • Search by People Set: Search for messages from all content authors within a people set. 
  • Search by Keyword: Search only by Keyword and Phrase (this is exact match, but not case sensitive)
  • Search by DM Conversations: Search for Direct Message conversations between two or more participants

4. Next you will define the Search Criteria depending on the selected Search Type

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Note: If using Slack, be sure to select the main Organization Workspace if you would like to search on Direct Messages. Typically it is denoted with a yellow Slack icon. 

5. Finally, you can customize the AI Analysis if you are interested in changing the default settings. The analysis utilizes our proprietary artificial intelligence data models to help further filter content by sentiment, toxicity, language, code or information quality. 


6. Once everything is filled out to your preference, select Start your search

7. You will automatically be directed back to the Search and Discover main page, where you will see Recent Searches as well as the one you just executed

 8. You should notice a processing icon next to your new search, during this time you won’t be able to click into your search

 9. Once it has processed, the icon will disappear and then you will be able to see the discovered data.

Hint: Search and Discover reports can take up to 24 hours to process. This is dependent on the search criteria and amount of content being returned. 

Click here to learn how to review your results.