Export Content in Search & Discover

Search & Discover is a high data-sensitive application. Share only the appropriate information with other teams using Aware exporting options.

Search & Discover offers the ability to bulk export data in various formats to allow your organization the flexibility to share data in a format convenient to you. These formats include: .CSV, DAT, PDF, and RSMF.

*Please note RSMF format must be turned on at the System Admin level >System Settings > Modules >Search & Discover > toggle on RSMF

Search and Discover exports allows flexibility for export configuration when users are exporting images and files.

  • The ability to export files and images for all content not just marked content - Please note this could result in very large exports that will be split into multiple 5GB zips
  • The ability to request files and images for parent messages only as opposed to defaulting to all files and images for search results and its associated context messages. 

  • Custom configurability for number of messages to be included within the context surrounding a search result. 

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  • Files with duplicate names in the same export will be appended with an auto-incrementing number to denote duplicates.
  • Files that have names that start with a special character (e.g. *, . ) will be prepended with an underscore (_)

**Please Note Exports over 5GB will be split into multiple files.

Export to CSV

Exporting to CSV will provide in-depth information for: 

  • Authored Content
  • Contextual Content
  • Messages
  • Mentions
  • Documents
  • Images/Videos

This option will provide all message data from your search in CSV format to share as needed. This data can then be used to track metrics and manipulate data, or import into other eDisovery systems. 

For more information on CSV exports please view the Search Export Glossary of Terms.

How to Export to CSV

  1. Open the Search & Discover application
  2. Open the search that you need to export from your list of processed searches
  3. Click the Export button at the top right-hand corner
  4. Choose between exporting All Content or Marked Content. From here select the appropriate Additional Export Options. 

    1. Include Message Context: Include surrounding messages of each Search result for conversation insights.
    Note: If you do not include Message Context your export will only contain the exact message that triggered the event.
    1. Create a separate .csv file for message context: This option will create a separate context.csv file with only message context. 
    2. Include Images (and Files): Include images in this export. This may increase processing and download times. *Note that videos and files will only download for Export Marked Content.
    3. Generate .txt file: Generate a .txt file for each exported search result. This will also generate a .txt file for files that contain text.
  5. Click on Build Export. Your export will process behind the scenes, an email will notify you when the export is complete. 
  6. When your export is complete, click the link in your email, or go to Search & Discover > Search Name > Exports tab to download your export.
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  7. Your export will be provided in .zip format with messages, txt files, and images/files if selected. 

Export to PDF

Exporting to PDF allows you to quickly export a single conversation and its context in an easy-to-read format. 

How to Export a Single Event to PDF

  1. Open the Search & Discover Application
  2. Open the search that you need to export from your list of processed searches
  3. Click on the specific conversation event that you wish to export
  4. Use the Export to PDF button to immediately export and download the conversation.
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Relativity Short Message Format:

An additional option for export format in Search and Discover is available - Relativity Short Message Format AKA RSMF. RSMF files are compatible with Relativity’s Short Message Viewer, which produces a conversational format for short messages making review of collaboration data easier on Relativity end users. This option will be available to existing and new customers, and will be configurable in application settings within the customer’s Aware tenant. It will be off by default, but able to be toggled on by the customer themselves if they are a Relativity user.

While Aware’s existing export formats - .csv and .dat - are able to be loaded into Relativity today, they often end up mapped as separate documents, meaning each individual message exists as a unique object for review, as opposed to a section of conversation being contained in the document. With this release, Aware will provide an RSMF-viewer compatible export option that results in a more user-friendly review experience.