Do you need to better understand the health and sentiment of your digital community? Spotlight provides users with behavioral and group insights allowing you to make effective decisions, faster.
1. Navigate to the Spotlight Application and by default you will land on the Dashboard. The Dashboard is broken out into two sections: Daily Insight and Engagement Insights
Daily Insight provides a view into the following:
- Daily Insight for total messages and overall Sentiment Indicators and Health Indicators
- Source Breakdown of Message Activity, Sentiment and Health Indicators and Trends by Source
- Trending Themes, A list of ten Trending Themes are displayed in multiple locations throughout Spotlight. Note: This is only for Public Group conversations and English messages. Private Group conversations can be included navigate to System Settings > Modules > Spotlight to enable this feature
- Platform Insights, for users with 2 or more platforms integrated, a carousel of integrated platforms now lives on the dashboard for quick access to groups specific to each platform
- Pinned Group message count, Sentiment and Health Indicators and their trends
Hint: These stats will update daily at 12:00am UTC
- Sub Themes in Trending Themes: Sub Themes gives users more context on how employees are feeling and discussing specific topics, this capability unlocks the ability to understand what is top of mind for employees at a deeper level. By providing how people are talking about topics paired with the sentiment, Spotlight users are able to differentiate what needs actioned from what is just noise in the organization. Check out this video for more information.
Are you wondering what Message Activity includes? Hoover over the to the right of Messages to see what is included. (Messages are considered any type of post, comment, reply or chat within groups and direct messages.)
Confused on what the Sentiment and Health Indicators are trying to explain? Hoover over the to right of the Sentiment and Health Indicators on the Dashboard to learn about what they mean.
For more information on Behavior Indicators click here.
2. Click on one of the Daily Insight Cards to learn more about what contributed to the number displayed
Network Analysis on Weighted Themes
This model can be found on your Dashboard and has been updated to represent the relationship between Trending Themes and Content Authors within public groups. Note: The thicker the line between the Themes means the more content authors that have used both keywords.
For more information on Weighted Themes Model click here.
3. Scroll down to Engagement Insights
This view provides users with a Sentiment and Health score over a 7, 28 and 90 day period. In the upper right hand corner of the graph you will see Highest Sentiment/Health and Lowest Sentiment/Health days notated.
Hint: The Sentiment and Health charts can be further broken down by Source or be shown by a bubble chart or line graph. Simply, toggle on Show Sources and/or switch the display method with the buttons displaying dots or lines.
4. Click on one of data points in the Sentiment or Health graph to learn more about why the score jumped or dropped
- Message Activity with key contributing groups and source breakdown
- Conversation Sentiment Indicator breakdown with key contributing groups
- Conversation Health Indicator breakdown with key contributing groups
- Trending Themes for Public Groups
- Group Insights
For more detail on a specific group, navigate to Groups in the Spotlight sub-navigation.